BDIP: Why This Project Exists
The data resources in the genomics domain are scattered across various locations: public annotation libraries that each offer a unique perspective, patient profiles owned by the intake department, and genetic testing results in the medical test department. They were collected by different departments and in different structures, thus were all disconnected before, which diminishes the probability of effectively using and reusing the existing data. So this project aims to create a portal for investigators (genomic research scientists) to access dispersed data sources from this one-stop platform, BDIP, to increase research efficiency.
This might be too technical to understand the goodness of BDIP, but let's use a metaphor to see what it does. Let's say my family members have different tastes in movies, I want to find a movie we can watch together this Saturday night.
I wrote an Excel sheet that logs what movies we watched each day.
Our demographic information can be found in each of our CVs on Google Doc.
We also have external resources like IMBD and Rotten Tomatoes for movie-related information.
Now if I have one place to play with the data, I won't have to go to 4 places to get access to the data, this saves my time. Then I can also guess and try to put different information together and read if there's any correlation between factors, e.g. between "movie category" and "age", or between "movie rating" and "gender".
BDIP does a similar work.
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